The Fox Magazine

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    This photographic series is made up of digital images and others taken with a polaroid camera.

    The past returns to the present in this minimalist photographic series that aims to challenge the conventional through images that transport us back to the eighties. and is that when less is more, the result can be surprising.

    Through photography, we can evoke past and present stories, showing a new vision in the fashion world that gives each portrait a mysterious character. We are facing a fantasy of female empowerment that combines theatricality, drama and avant-garde sensuality where the models enjoy simplicity and elegance somewhat unusual in current fashion publishers.

    It is as if the photographer wanted to move away from the reality of the subject to artificially enlarge it. Models pose on smooth and inconspicuous surfaces, use a grey background and sometimes a blue horizon, without decorations, leaving only the models, although paying attention to clothing and accessories. As a general rule, the characteristic elements of the time are usually absent from his photographs. In this way, it achieves a successful mix between distinction and simplicity, which give the works a very elegant style. Another aspect for which it stands out is the use of lighting since by using raw light it intends that even the most elementary object acquire an intense brightness.

    The definition of shapes, as well as volumes, are constant in these photographs. This is the result, in addition to rigorous management of lighting, a very precise and carefully planned framing and approach. He does not direct the models, he does not dictate what they should do, but he patiently waits for the model to do or act as he has in mind.

    Photographer: David Rodriguez | IG: @davidofficialclub

    Model: Patricia Botrán | IG: @patricia_botran

    Model/Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Nazaret Rodriguez | IG: @nazaret_rcerezo

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    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 4 min