Read to Succeed With Ariana Pierce
What’s the key to success?
Hard work, determination, and a copy of Ariana Pierce’s best-selling book! A must-read guide for every young person who strives to succeed, Pierce’s “Skip The Party, Start A Business” is a candid story of how this millennial superstar became a thriving entrepreneur.
Packed with personal tips and activities to complete at the end of each chapter, this interactive tool compels entrepreneurs and business owners of all ages to start living their dreams now, not later.
In her most intimate work yet, Ariana shares what it was like to grow up as a young person who strived to be an entrepreneur. From the good, bad and ugly, Pierce digs deep into what it really takes to overcome life’s disappointments, distractions, and delays and be prepared for prosperity!
Need some tips? You’re in luck! Ariana shares some of the key principles from her book on what it takes to be successful in your life and in your business:
Read To Succeed: Reading isn’t just sexy – it’s fundamental to your success. No matter what industry you’re dreaming or striving to be in, it’s the little-known secret that means the most. Did you know successful people read at least one page a day from a book? Why? It keeps your mind sharp and it’s a way to constantly expose yourself to new ideas and ways of profiting in your brand and business.
Get A Mentor: The power of a mentor is what can catapult you to the next level in life and business – in less time. It can be a person you know or someone you admire from afar. Take time to learn from them by either joining a program or speaking event they have to offer – like Ariana and Stacia’s Ultimate Success Tour – or buying their material.
Believe You Can Be Big: Before anyone else can think you’re successful, you have to believe you are first. Before Ariana Pierce ever owned Superstar Nail Lacquer or any of her other companies, she believed she could be a top entrepreneur. Although she didn’t know how to build a nationally known brand, or how to get celebrities to wear her products, she had a journal, a pen and a mind to dream big. Visualize your way to the top and be willing to put in the work for your business.
Reading is a proven pathway to success, so get motivated with Ariana Pierce’s interactive guide, “Skip The Party, Start A Business” and build your business!
Want more motivation? Join Ariana and Stacia Pierce for their Ultimate Success Tour! Give your business an extraordinary boost in these four different, powerful one-day workshops. Find out if this dynamic duo is coming to a city near you!