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    The Old G: A Celebration of Flavor and Community In Every Bottle

    The Old G: A Celebration of Flavor and Community In Every Bottle

    In the world of gin, The Old G stands out as a modern spirit crafted with tradition and purpose.

    More than just a delicious beverage, The Old G embodies a celebration of heritage and a commitment to representation within the spirits industry.

    A Black-Owned Brand with a Bold Vision

    The Old G is the brainchild of a group brought together by their love of gin and a desire to challenge the status quo. Founded by Peter Ibrahim and Hebru Brantley, The Old G takes pride in its heritage and being black-owned. Their mission extends beyond creating a quality gin; it’s about fostering inclusivity within the beverage world. They aim to inspire and empower underrepresented communities, proving that anyone can carve a space for themselves in the spirits industry.

    The spirit boasts a complex yet smooth flavor profile, achieved through a unique blend of botanicals. These botanicals include the classic juniper berries, for a distinctive gin character, alongside coriander, and orange peel. Secret botanicals round out the recipe, adding an air of mystery and intrigue to the spirit’s unique taste. The Old G prides itself on using only natural ingredients, free from artificial flavors or colors. This commitment to purity ensures a gin that is not only delicious but also versatile.

    Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or used as the base for a creative cocktail, The Old G promises a taste experience that is both refined and refreshing.

    Beyond the Bottle: The Old G Experience

    The Old G isn’t just a gin; it’s a movement. The brand celebrates the spirit of togetherness and community. They actively partner with organizations that champion diversity and inclusion, further solidifying their commitment to social responsibility. The brand’s core message is one of embracing individuality and living life to the fullest.

    Serving Suggestions

    The versatility of The Old G makes it a favorite among bartenders and home mixologists alike. Here are a few ways to experience the spirit’s full potential:

    • Neat or on the Rocks: For those who appreciate the full complexity of the gin, The Old G can be enjoyed neat or on the rocks. A splash of water can help open up the botanicals, revealing the subtle nuances of the spirit.
    • The Old G & Tonic: A classic gin and tonic takes on a new dimension with The Old G. Use a high-quality tonic water and a generous garnish of lime or grapefruit to create a refreshingly sophisticated drink.
    • The Old Fashioned: This timeless cocktail gets a modern twist with The Old G. The spirit’s citrus notes pair beautifully with the rich sweetness of a good quality simple syrup and the aromatic bitters.

    These are just a few ideas to get you started. The Old G’s smooth character makes it a perfect base for a wide variety of cocktails, limited only by your creativity. From its commitment to quality ingredients and traditional methods to its dedication to fostering inclusivity. Whether you’re a seasoned gin aficionado or simply someone who appreciates a well-crafted drink, The Old G offers a unique and rewarding experience.

    So raise a glass to The Old G, a spirit that is as delicious as it is inspiring.

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    The Old G: A Celebra…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 7 min