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    Ladytron Delve Into Disquiet On “The Island”

    Ladytron Delve Into Disquiet On “The Island”

    Ladytron made a triumphant return amid critical acclaim after a seven-year hiatus with their first single, ‘The Animals.’ A day ahead of its release, Ladytron shares ‘The Island,’ the second single from their upcoming album, which finds the synth-pop quartet in fighting form.

    With ‘The Island,’ Ladytron continue to explore our personal, and social hopes and fears amidst tumultuous times with all the prowess and complexity that have made them one of the world’s most unique and compelling bands.

    “These past two years, during which we’ve been making this record, have been an accelerating turmoil, traumatic for everyone,” Helen Marnie explains. “I think only by confronting and embracing this reality do we stand a chance of getting beyond it”.

    ‘The Island’ is lyrically expansive, both autobiographical and social, and narrates the disquiet we all feel.  It shows us to embrace our modern fears rather than escapes from them.The additional track ‘Tropic of Capricorn’ will also be released exclusively via digital and on the seven inch vinyl available for pre-order from Pledge Music.


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    Ladytron Delve Into …

    by Akeem Ivory Time to read this article: 2 min