Mark and the Tiger is the musical moniker of Pop Singer, Songwriter, and Lyricist, Mark Haberland.

Through expansive melodies, infectious choruses, and playful refrains, Haberland routinely defies expectations with a cultivated sound that speaks to dreamers and doers alike.

Originally from Maine, Mark moved to Los Angeles in 2010 to pursue music and adventure. His music speaks to experiences and themes common in society today but often unspoken about. Mark’s own experiences with polyamory, sexual discovery, plant medicine, and spirituality are key figures in his music. His openness and vulnerability spark untapped emotions in his listeners, and every gig becomes a space of freedom and expression.

Mark and the Tiger’s debut single, “My Magic,” finds Mark’s ebullient, often soulful and lush voice in its purest form. Whether it is the powerful lyrics or elevating build that ropes in its listeners, “My Magic” is an anthemic testament to Mark’s spirit and authentic storytelling-focused songwriting style.

The band’s second single, “Come to Mexico”, mixes electro-pop sounds with a songwriting and lyric style in the vein of Paul Simon. Rich harmonies and a ridiculously catchy hook invoke a unique dichotomy of tropical paradise and unrequited love.

We interviewed with Mark regarding his upbringing, becoming a musician, and inspirations through it all.

How much has your style changed since you started doing music?

Musically, I’ve been trying to find what my “sound” is for years now. I write songs pretty much all the time and I’ve played around with a lot of different sounds and genres. It’s sort of been like trying on clothes to see what fits best. The EP that I’m putting out this summer is pretty reflective of that. The songs all have a certain vibe because I wrote them all, but at the same time they’re each a bit in their own world. But I will say, hearing all these songs together has really inspired me to go in a new and slightly more specific direction. I’m excited to sit down and start writing again. 

Style-wise, it’s the same. I’ve been on a bit of a journey to figure out who the hell I am and what I want to exude. It’s still a work in progress. 

What’s the best part of being a musician?

My favorite part is the writing. It’s like storytelling. You’re creating a whole world with your words and sounds that your audience gets to step into. And then getting up on stage and performing those songs in front of a crowd is like stepping into that world together. For three minutes everyone in the room is in the same little pocket reality. It’s an amazing feeling. 

Name a few artists would you love to do a song with and why –

I’m actually in the process of writing a duet for me and Florence Welch, from Florence and the Machine. I just absolutely fucking adore her! Her sound, her voice, her vibe, it’s all amazing. Plus, she’s actually the artist that made me decide to pursue music as a career. I saw her at the Hollywood Bowl years ago and she was like lightning up on the stage. I was completely overwhelmed and all I could think was, “That’s what you’re supposed to be doing, Mark!” 

Now I just have to figure out a way for her to hear the song. 

What sets you apart from other artists?

I mean…. I’m me. There’s no one else in the world like me. And maybe it’s that notion of authenticity that sets me apart. I want my music to inspire people to celebrate themselves and really look at the dark shadowy sides that they might normally try to avoid. Ive learned so much about myself from delving into some of those dark places inside of myself. My music is starting to reflect that, and I want to go deeper and deeper into that vibe. I think, ultimately, that is going to be what sets me apart from the rest of the pack. 

What are some of your favorite artist collaborations?

Man, this is tricky. I know that there have been so many collaborations by artists that I love but the only one that I can think of right now is when I saw Stevie Nicks at the Forum in LA. The Pretenders were opening for her and Chrissie Hynde came out and sang Tom Petty’s part of “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around”. It was fucking AMAZING! 

Music is all about expression, what do you like expressing in your work?

Well, as I said above, I’m trying to concentrate on expressing some of the lessons I’ve learned from embracing the darker, more challenging emotions that I’ve been through. But in general, my music is all about telling stories. There are so many amazing stories out there waiting to be told. When a songwriter/musician can tell those stories in a way that evokes something profound in their audience, it marks them as a master of their craft. So hopefully I can get to that point!

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