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    Novyon: The Wave Maker

    Novyon: The Wave Maker

    Novyon is a Minnesota hip hop icon who is making waves across the country and the world with an eclectic vibe that stands out in multiple genres.

    His music has touched many mediums including placements on the hit TV show: Grownish.

    We interviewed with Novyon about his rise to a global audience, being an emerging artist in today’s world and favorite inspirations. You can also check Novyon out in our Sound Issue released 7/21/19.

    Where is your artistic home?

    I guess you could say, my artistic home could be inspired from all over. I’ve been to many different countries and cities from Paris to the Bahamas. Tokyo, Japan influences a lot of themes in my art and music. It’s something I haven’t been able to keep within myself since I was a kid.

    What was the last thing that inspired you?

    Honestly, I’m inspired everyday! Not just by the big things, but the small mundane things as well. The last thing that really inspired me was my transition on leaving LA to move to Miami. I don’t know what it is about new adventures. But over the past couple years, I always seem to find myself in these sub-plots that go along with my main goal and primary plan.

    The past, present or future, which period would you like to recreate in a form of art?

    I’m already recreating and manifesting all the periods in my life within my art at all times.

    As an emerging artist, what are some of the challenges you face today?

    The only challenge I have right now is getting my music targeted to the right places. I have a pretty powerful core fan base, but I still feel like my marketing and ad dollars could be executed smoother.

    What’s the best part of being a musician?

    Being able to express myself and have feelings be heard when I feel like no one else will listen.

    Just do you and give people something interesting to talk about. – Novyon

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    Novyon: The Wave Mak…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 5 min