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    Who Do Americans Follow? The Most Influential People Online

    Who Do Americans Follow? The Most Influential People Online

    Recent research by Travel Department, an online travel brand has spotted some key cultural nuances about American popular culture.

    Conclusion: America is obsessed with Celebrity Culture and this has only increased during Covid.

    Travel Department looked at the top 10 influencers across Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok in the U.S. and while other countries across the globe have a mix of politicians, positive role models, innovators, and reputed publications, the only person featured that isn’t in the entertainment industry is former President Barack Obama. And while mainstream celebrities feature as the most followed on Twitter and Instagram, TikTok tells a different story.
    In contrast, few of America’s well-known A-listers appear on TikTok, which also prompts us to ask:
    “Who is influencing Gen Z?”
    “How well do Americans know their kids’ idols?”
    Read the findings here!

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    Who Do Americans Fol…

    by Kate O'Connor Time to read this article: 2 min