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    National Parks In Utah That You Might Want To Check Out

    National Parks In Utah That You Might Want To Check Out

    Utah is considered one of the most outdoors-friendly states in the U.S., which is not a big surprise.

    It is home to 5 national parks, all of them so unique in their own manner and all well preserved. It is important for both our physical and mental health to enjoy nature from time to time. There is no better place to enjoy nature than to visit national parks in Utah. Here are the mighty 5 national parks where you can connect with nature and enjoy it.

    1. Bryce Canyon

    Out of all the other national parks, this one might be the quietest of them all. When it comes to hoodoos, Bryce Canyon National Park has the largest collection of them. The highest point is called the Rainbow Point which towers around 2775 m. From this point, you can see the entire national park in a beautiful panoramic view.

    2. Arches

    Stone bridges are the most beautiful attraction in Arches national park. These bridges are especially beautiful at night when the sky is lit up with stars. All of these national parks have beautiful night skies due to the lack of light pollution. Besides the delicate arch, you should also check out the landscape arch and the double arches.

    3. Capitol Reef

    Capitol Reef national park has wonderful stay options in tents with great opportunities for free ranging. Besides beautiful nature, you will also see ancient ruins of civilizations that used to live here. This is both a natural and also spiritual experience when you visit Capitol Reef. The contrast of colors is especially beautiful with many red rocks and also small rivers passing by.

    4. Zion

    Zion has a museum dedicated to findings in this beautiful national park. Besides this cultural tour, there are also a lot of beautiful hiking trails in Zion. The top three hiking trails include Angels Landing, Observation Point, and Emerald Pools. Just watch out, Zion is the most visited national park of them all, which means a lot of people and big crowds.

    5. Canyonlands

    Canyonlands is the go-to national park if you want to camp. As with every national park here, there are rules for camping and other activities which are important to follow. These rules are here to make sure national parks stay protected and the same for years to come. Besides camping, horseback riding and cycling are also exciting activities in Canyonlands.

    Access to nature is a basic human right that is being taken away from us right now in many ways. We are restricted from visiting them due to working conditions while the capitalists are mowing down nature for profit. If we do not do something about it, there will not be any national parks or regular parks to go around.

    These parks and nature overall are important for living life as a human the right way. If we cut down on nature, we are cutting down on the life on this planet, including human life. It is important to stay vigilant in the years to come and protect these beautiful spots in the world. Utah is doing great work with these 5 national parks, and everyone should follow along.

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    National Parks In Ut…

    by Anthony Johnson Time to read this article: 7 min