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    Has COVID Permanently Altered US Retail?

    Has COVID Permanently Altered US Retail?

    Long before COVID-19 was even a blip on the radar, countless obituaries had been written for traditional shopping, mega malls, brick and mortar retailers, and mom and pop shops.

    According to a new survey of US shoppers, the ongoing global pandemic is on track to all but eliminate retail and commerce as we once knew it.

    Nearly three quarters surveyed (73.5%) reported that they are shopping online more now than they did prior to the spread of COVID-19. Moreover, nearly 9 in 10 (88%) said they will continue to shop online more even after a cure or vaccine for COVID-19 is discovered.

    You can check out the infographic below for more info on how Americans are shopping for specific goods during the COVID-era.

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    Has COVID Permanentl…

    by Michelle Johnson Time to read this article: 2 min