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    Naturally Exfoliate With Confidence Thanks To SimplyScrub

    Naturally Exfoliate With Confidence Thanks To SimplyScrub

    Exfoliating is critical for the health of your skin and is recommended by skincare professionals.

    When you exfoliate and remove dead skin cells, moisturizing will help you forget what dry skin is all about. SimplyScrub’s products are made with all organic ingredients, which include sea salts, coconut oil, brown sugars, jojoba, and essential oils that are sourced from exotic places of the world.

    You’re not the same person you were yesterday. That’s because your skin is continuously regenerating, requiring moisturizers, switching out those tired dead skin cells for some shiny new ones. Exfoliation helps your skin go through that cycle. Some sugar scrub or salt scrub and vitamin E is all the love your skin needs. Out with the old, in with the new.

    Problem is, sometimes those old cells want to stick around like a bad habit. First, it’s some dullness, then before you know it they’re all up in your sebaceous glands, causing blackheads and pimples. Not such a great look.

    We all have different skin types, but no matter what, dry skin isn’t fun. It itches, and sometimes even hurts to stretch. That’s why when we apply lotion, it helps with skin elasticity and prevents stretch marks. If you use an exfoliant regularly, especially organic body scrubs, your skin will maintain the moisture it needs, and ultimately will look and feel healthier.

    When you start noticing stretch marks, skin blemishes, or your skin condition worsens, it’s time to consider organic body scrubs. Many skin conditions can be improved with exfoliation and natural skincare products. Of course, a crowd favorite is organic body scrubs. Choose your skin condition and find which organic ingredients are best for your situation.

    SimplyScrub spent two years doing some matchmaking, finding out which all-natural, all-organic body scrub ingredients make skin the happiest when their powers combined. The result? Four 100% Natural, 100% Organic, 100% Chemical-Free rubs that know how to move in all sorts of (not-so-mysterious) ways. SimplyScrub is just simple.

    You’ve got brown sugar, sea salt, and other goodies that sweep across the skin and kick those dry old cells out the door. Bye-bye bad ‘dermis.

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    Naturally Exfoliate …

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 5 min