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    New Report Reveals The Most Popular Flavors In The US Right Now

    New Report Reveals The Most Popular Flavors In The US Right Now

    From milkshakes to shisha, we love different flavors of all sorts of things.

    In light of this, the good people at wanted to figure out what the most popular flavors are across America. To do this, they investigated Google data to find out which flavors people in the U.S. search for the most and discovered the most sought-after flavors in the U.S. for things like ice cream, milkshakes, candy, vape, and hookah flavors.

    Here Are Some Key Takeaways From the Report

    • Out of the top 20 flavors, vanilla made up over 16% of flavors searched with over 33,000 searches per month!
    • 46 out of 50 states in the US! Only Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, and Hawaii had differing results with banana or coconut being the most-searched-for flavor of ice cream.
    • With nearly 50,000 searches per month, apple candy is clearly a national favorite and takes the top spot when broken down by each individual state as well.
    • When it comes to the most popular vape flavors, the #1 most-searched-for flavors in the U.S. are tobacco and menthol
    • Accounting for 29% of monthly search volume for shisha flavors, mint shisha is by far the leader with over double the searches as the next most popular flavor.

    Sound interesting? Check out the full report HERE.

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    New Report Reveals T…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 3 min