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    Indie Pop Band Shuffalo Releases New Single: Whispers

    Indie Pop Band Shuffalo Releases New Single: Whispers

    Last week, indie-pop boys band Shuffalo released its new hard-hitting dance song, ‘Whispers.’

    Whispers‘ is described by the band as “a perfect summer song to end a not-so-perfect summer.”

    Shuffalo’s ‘Whispers,’ an earth-quaking and booty-shaking song that will get you up and moving, is now available to stream. Mixed by the talented Ryan Worsley, and produced at the helm of Matty Deeze, — who also joined forces on the band’s emotive, slow-burning gem ‘Stay On Me’ — ‘Whispers’ is an ode to the darkness, and is made for dancing and singing along to on summer nights.
    “Inspired by coal plants and the search for meaning, we recognize that times aren’t necessarily easy right now,” the trio says. “If we can turn even one person’s day with ‘Whispers’ inciting a smile, we’ve done our jobs.”

    Reflecting on their one-week-old single, Bailey Clarke (vocals, guitar, keys, synth), says:

    “Brayden [Bell; bass, vocals, keys, synth] and I woke up the other day at 3:30am for some much needed time in nature. We broke trail in the darkness and climbed what felt like straight up for two hours.

    “We managed to catch part of the sunrise at the summit, enjoyed breakfast, then yelled at the top of our lungs. This past week has been filled with so much support and love. Thank you to every single one of you who has listened/shared our song.”

    Follow the band on InstagramSpotifyFacebook, and Twitter for more.

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    Indie Pop Band Shuff…

    by Claire Legeron Time to read this article: 3 min