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    6 Games You Love That Are Going Mobile

    6 Games You Love That Are Going Mobile

    The gaming world has seen many exciting releases that generated a ton of success and sales.

    However, the success of mobile gaming is too profitable for any game developer to ignore.

    Mobile gaming is generating more profits every year and it’s a huge part of the industry’s success. This is why companies and developers are trying to create more games for smartphones. Further, they’re trying to make the switch and create versions of their popular games that will work on smartphones. The potential for huge profits and outstanding success is too high, making this switch too appealing to pass on.

    Read on to learn more about 6 popular games that are going mobile very soon.

    1. Diablo Immortal

    The iconic Diablo franchise is developing Diablo Immortal for mobile and it is highly anticipated by many players worldwide. Even though there is no release date yet, Activision-Blizzard is still working on it and making sure it will be ready for everyone to enjoy soon.

    Diablo has its fair share of messy releases because of bugs and game errors, but it’s still an amazing and addictive game that everyone loves to play.

    The EU and NA players have their doubts about the game, but they will still try it out. However, it shows great promise and success guaranteed in the Asian markets because of their love for mobile and new Blizzard releases.

    2. League of Legends: Wild Rift

    Players worldwide can’t wait for the release of the new LoL: Wild Rift version for mobile. It shows great promise and has amazing user interface features that simplified the gameplay. Even though Riot Games are sending out random invites for testing it, the LoL account providers at have confirmed that there is no official release date yet for the mobile version.

    Riot Games only released a statement saying that it will be ready sometime in 2020. The player base is hoping for a Christmas release because this game can be a close contender to its predecessor on PC.

    3. Apex Legends

    EA dropped one of the best releases ever with Apex Legends and it grew in popularity and success extremely fast. The mobile version of it is expected to draw the same attention because the game is addictive and fun. It is confirmed that Apex Legends will have its soft launch by the end of 2020. So that means we can expect to see it live sometime around December. Just imagine the excitement of playing one of the best battle royales ever on your smartphone. The player base cannot wait for it to be live.

    4. Project Odin

    Players have always wanted a good MMORPG on their smartphones. Project Odin can be their go-to choice thanks to Lionheart Studios. It’s expected to go live soon in 2020 and it’s based on Norse mythology. The previews show you immersive play, 3D scan and motion capture, and realistic graphics. This is quite an ambitious game that is expected to draw in great results.

    5. Path of Exile

    Another game that is set to be released soon on mobile is Path of Exile. It’s being developed by Grinding Gear Games and they promised the players something that is guaranteed to have amazing success results for the industry. They promised that the game will not have any microtransactions, meaning that you can enjoy this free-to-play action RPG game without any pay-to-win elements. It’s quite appealing for a lot of players and everyone can’t wait for its release.

    6. Spyjinx

    The Spyjinx release is highly anticipated because it will be a great choice for players that love the thrill of espionage and the dangers of being a spy. Spyjinx is an interesting strategy and role-playing masterpiece that’s developed by Epic Games and they will give players a choice of playing on RPG mode or multiplayer mode with their friends. There is no news yet on the release date, but the previews are making a lot of gamers eager to try it.

    It’s amazing how the industry continues to create some of the most exciting and addictive games. The appeal for mobile versions of these games is mostly because gamers can play anytime and anywhere they want. They will not be held back by specific PC specs or ultra-expensive hardware to run their favorite games.

    All they need is their smartphone and a nice pair of headsets or earpieces to immerse themselves in the virtual world of their choice. The choices listed above show great promise and the player base is too excited for each release. Hopefully, these new releases live up to their hype and continue to attract more players because of their huge success.

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