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    7 Unique Souvenirs From Around The World

    7 Unique Souvenirs From Around The World

    Your amazing vacation has come to an end.

    Besides the great memories you made, souvenirs are the perfect way to remind yourself of your fun adventures.

    Here are a few of the world’s most interesting souvenirs from around the world.

    Black Pearls, Tahiti

    Probably the most recognizable souvenir you could purchase while vacationing in Tahiti, the Tahitian black pearls are some of the most expensive and beautiful pearls in the world. Visit one of the island’s pearl farms and purchase the famous black pearls in their natural form or crafted into gorgeous pieces of jewelry. An elegant pair of drop earrings, a pearl necklace or a few bracelets that showcase these lustrous gems would make for great souvenirs from your Tahitian vacation.

    Beer-based Cosmetics, Czech Republic

    Based on the positive effects that beer has on human skin, beer cosmetics are some of the bestselling cosmetic products in the Czech Republic. You can find anything from beer shampoo to beer soaps or even beer face creams. So, purchase a few different beer-based skincare products, while traveling to Czech Republic, and you can cross off another item from your Christmas shopping list.

    Elephant Dung Coffee, Thailand

    A unique and interesting souvenir, but not for the faint-hearted, elephant dung coffee is one of the world’s most expensive brews. Made by feeding the elephants coffee beans and then collecting them from their droppings, this Thai coffee is very famous around the world, so be sure to snag yourself a bag before you leave Thailand.

    Custom Calligraphy, China

    A very big part of the Chinese culture, calligraphy is a suitable souvenir to purchase while in China. Instead of spending your money on cheap pre-made prints, get yourself a custom handwritten calligraphy from artists located in all major cities in China.

    Tar Syrup, Finland

    Made from tree sap extracted from burning wood, most commonly pine, Tar syrup is Finland’s favorite condiment and a unique souvenir for tourists all over the world. While not all types of tar are edible, the one that Finns use in their food is called terva and it has a very strong smoky flavor.

    Edible Insects, Thailand

    It seems that Thailand has quite a few weird and unique souvenirs which you shouldn’t miss out on, such as edible insects. A big part of the authentic Thai cuisine, trying out edible insects would definitely make for a unique cultural experience. Be sure to pick up a few bags of crispy worms, fried crickets or chocolate scorpions before you leave the Land of Smiles.

    Bezoar Stone, India

    Made famous by Harry Potter, the bezoar stone is anything but fictional. Bezoar stones are undigested material found in the stomachs of some animals and have been used in Indian medicine, for thousands of years, for their healing properties. You can find this unique souvenir at different local shops, throughout India.

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    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 6 min