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    Using Design To Attract New Customers

    Using Design To Attract New Customers

    Attracting new customers can often involve a visual element. This is why design is so important.

    There are lots of ways to make your business look good to potential customers. Here are some of the main ways design can improve your sales.


    Whether your products are available online, in your shop or both, it’s just as important for the packaging to be as appealing as the contents. Similarly to how readers tend to pick up or click on a book based on the cover before reading the blurb, customers looking for a specific product will be drawn in by the packaging. It’s the first thing they notice before they read the product description.

    Paying a package designer to make your products stand out is an investment that can pay off. By searching, you can find someone with experience in designing packaging and working with businesses similar to yours.


    If you sell products offline, it’s not enough to ensure your premises are clean, free of clutter, and easy to navigate. These things are considered the bare minimum in any place where customers can visit and make a purchase. Badly designed premises can make customers decide to go somewhere else. If your design is eye-catching and offers something unique (in a good way) this sets you apart from other businesses and can become a talking point.


    The design of your website should be one that makes the most important points stand out (without being too intrusive) and easy to navigate. Although you may be excited to share everything your business has ever achieved, this only will clutter your website and divide the customer’s attention. The design should draw their attention to just two or three of your most important updates. This might be a new product, a store opening, or recent good publicity in the media. Intrigue their interest rather than divide it.

    Providing you have links to your social media profiles (the top or bottom of the page is a good place for these) they can follow you there for more updates.

    Promotional materials

    If promotional materials like posters, media advertisements, or even a branded promotional product that you have worked with someone like this company offering Brisbane Promotional Products to create, are the potential customer’s first impression of your business, you want this to be memorable for all the right reasons. Some mistakes inexperienced designers make include using too much text and not enough spacing, overly bright colors, or including images that have little to do with the purpose of the advertisement.

    Try to think about these designs as if you are a customer searching for the product or service advertised. If you can distance yourself this way, you can see what works and what needs to be changed. Ask yourself, what would draw you in and make you consider purchasing from this business.

    Design is important in any business, whether you sell products online or offline. Poor design can make people decide not to purchase. So, if you’ve put time and effort into perfecting your product, don’t waste this with poor design skills in other areas of your business.


    • Veronika
      September 30, 2022

      You must understand that the text on your site can both repel a new client and attract him. Therefore, it is necessary to think over your headings especially carefully. Thoughtful typography makes it easy and convenient to read headings and descriptions. All text on the site is a direct brand message to the user, and it should be at the level of your company’s tone of voice. You can find an amazing typography design app for Mac here, it will make your website much easier to work with.

    • hvac logo
      April 3, 2023

      Yes, I agree with you that the design and logo of the company is very important to attract new customers. I was just creating an hvac logo and it helped me to attract clients. Thanks to an interesting logo, so many clients came to me that I myself did not think that it was so important. So pay close attention to this.

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    Using Design To Attr…

    by Mike Fox Time to read this article: 7 min