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    Style The Entire Family With Wee Blessing

    Style The Entire Family With Wee Blessing

    Introducing Wee Blessing, the FIRST and ONLY subscription styling service offered for the entire family, including moms, dads, kids, and teens.

    Wee Blessing was originally created for the busy mom in mind. Their sole mission is to give every busy mom, dad, and grandparent across the country time back so they can do more important things like spending it with their family. We live in such a fast paced world these days. Sometimes it’s the little blessings that make all the difference in the world.

    Trying to gather up the kids and get everything in the car was always so frustrating and time-consuming. Not to mention trying to get things on sale and at the best prices possible at the same time.

    Wee Blessing’s goal is to provide parents with hand-picked outfits for their children from the most popular and top name brand companies out there and do it cost-effectively. They also guarantee that outfits will be offered at 40-60 percent off of retail and every blessing package can be tailored for any budget. It will be like Christmas every month when your package arrives.


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    Style The Entire Fam…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 3 min