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    Innovative Equipment You Should Get for Your Restaurant

    Innovative Equipment You Should Get for Your Restaurant

    Opening a restaurant can prove to be a lucrative business.

    After all, who doesn’t love delicious food? Nonetheless, to make sure that your restaurant stays ahead of the competition, you must invest in some high-end equipment.

    So, if you have recently opened a restaurant and need a list of the most innovative equipment you can add, check our recommendations.

    Frozen Beverage Dispenser

    Iced drinks and smoothies are all the rage, especially in the summer. Not only are they loved by many, but they are also very refreshing, so expect a lot of customers to be on the lookout for them. To keep your customers satisfied, you need to invest in the most reliable frozen beverage dispensers on the market. You should look for a model that sports a huge capacity, as it is essential in peak times. Also, seek brands that offer durable products that do not require much maintenance. You do not want to be stuck during rush hour with a broken dispenser and a dozen angry customers. So, take your time and look for different models to get the best bang for your buck.

    Tableside POS and KDS

    Instead of stretching your staff thin and forcing them to juggle a gazillion tasks at the same time, why not make it a lot easier and innovative? With tableside POS technology, you can let your customers order their food at their convenience. Tableside POS technology involves leaving special tablets on every table.

    Through such tablets, your customers can order, pay for their food, or even play games while they are waiting for their order! Such an innovative solution can help your staff focus on their tasks in the kitchen or deliver orders to the customers faster. Moreover, tableside POS always accompanies a KDS, kitchen display system, which helps the staff working in the kitchen track all the orders they must prepare. A KDS can also be extremely useful if you plan on accepting online orders as well, as it can notify your chefs of new orders.

    Smart Refrigerators

    Most likely, you will need to store a huge amount of food to make sure that you do not run out during the rush hour. However, you will still need to check every now and then to replenish your supplies, which can require time and effort and may be inconvenient when you have a million other things to worry about. This is where smart refrigerators come into play. They can track your food supply and notify you before they run out. Even better, they can order such supplies without your interference. Technology is a beautiful thing, huh?

    A Smart Oven

    Even the most experienced chefs can burn food sometimes; this is why you should consider adding a smart oven to your restaurant. Smart ovens automatically reduce their temperature when the food inside is fully cooked. So, not only will they prevent kitchen mishaps, but they can also keep the food warm until your staff serves it. Moreover, there are smart ovens available on the market; thus, you can choose the size, heating techniques, and features you need. While smart ovens may not be the cheapest of investments, they can help you reduce your energy consumption thanks to their smart technology, which makes them worth your money.

    Reliability is key to all cooking equipment you have in your restaurant. So, choose wisely before you make any purchase. A high-quality smart pizza brick oven with the latest technology can be ideal for your restaurant. After all, who doesn’t love hot and delicious pizza? With a smart brick oven, you can ensure consistent quality in every pizza you serve to your customers.

    A Steam Table

    During peak times, your staff may not have enough time to prep orders from scratch; thus, a steam table can come in handy. This nifty equipment can help food and sauces stay at optimal temperatures. Therefore, the staff can get certain dishes ready before customers start to trickle in. A steam table is a great solution for those who want to strike a balance between practicality and customer satisfaction.

    A Waitlist Management App

    Not really and equipment, but it is truly handy if you are “equipped” with it. There is nothing worse than going to a restaurant to find that they are already at full capacity and you have to wait to get a table. Well, we know it is even worse for the staff who need to stay on top of things and appease impatient customers. With a waitlist management app, you can reduce the effort the staff has to exert. It can help the host notify the customer that their table is ready by sending a message to the customer’s phone without forcing the host to check every now and then for vacancies. Also, it allows customers to hang out outside the restaurant while their table gets ready without forcing them to stay waiting in a line inside.

    With innovative equipment, your restaurant will be the talk of the town. From smart ovens and refrigerators, you are surely going to attract many customers and reduce the effort your staff has to exert. Also, these solutions can help you save a pretty penny, so what’s not to love?


    • corybell26
      June 5, 2024

      I know firsthand how difficult it can sometimes be to find and buy quality but not very expensive restaurant equipment. Such equipment very often and quickly falls into disrepair because it is used every day. When I started my restaurant business in 2007, it was difficult to find good stainless steel restaurant equipment. Now it is easier because I have found the perfect supplier for my restaurant. Today I ordered STAINLESS STEEL WALL MOUNT SHELVES from and I’ll receive my order tomorrow. I’ve ordered from this site more than once and I’m very happy with the quality of their products. I also like how fast and accurate the shipping is. I highly recommend this website!

    • Olivia
      June 17, 2024

      Good post, I think that everyone who understands even a little about the restaurant business understands how important good and high-quality restaurant equipment is for quality service and high quality food. Sometimes it’s just necessary. I saw a restaurant supply store where you can find anything for such a niche and this seems like an excellent solution to anyone who is thinking of opening their own cafe or restaurant

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