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    8 Ways How To Avoid Weight Gain Over The Holidays

    8 Ways How To Avoid Weight Gain Over The Holidays

    Nutritionist and co-founder of MamaSezz, Meg Donahue, shares her tips for happy and healthy holidays.

    You may have heard that people gain an average of 7-10 pounds during the holidays. This little nugget of information can send people into a tailspin of anxiety. The good news: there is has a way to avoid weight gain over the holidays. Before we dive into our tips for healthy holiday eating habits, keep in mind Meg Donahue isn’t about waistlines or “bikini bodies” so much as she cares about a healthier, happier you.

    You may have heard that people gain an average of 7-10 pounds during the holidays. This little nugget of information can send people into a tailspin of anxiety. The good news: there is has a way to avoid weight gain over the holidays. Before we dive into our tips for healthy holiday eating habits, keep in mind Meg Donahue isn’t about waistlines or “bikini bodies” so much as she cares about a healthier, happier you.

    Here are Meg’s tips how to avoid weight gain over the holidays:

    1. Go Plant-Based

    Study after study shows a whole food, plant-based diet is very effective for weight loss. A whole food plant-based diet consists of whole and unrefined fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, and legumes. A whole-foods, plant-based diet does not include meat, dairy, eggs, or refined products like white flour, refined sugar, and oil. It’s high in fiber, which helps to keep you full longer and prevents overeating; eating an extra 14 grams of fiber daily may reduce caloric intake by 10 percent. Plant-based foods also tend to have fewer calories per volume than other types of food.

    Transitioning to whole, plant-based foods can not only help you avoid weight gain over the holidays, it’s also been shown to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, prevent or even reverse heart disease and diabetes, reduce inflammation, limit medications, and boost energy (something you may need more of throughout the sometimes draining holiday season).

    2. Avoid or Limit Alcohol

    Drinking not only adds extra calories to your day (without many nutrients), alcohol can lead to overeating because it can trick our bodies into feeling hungry, even when we’re not.

    3. De-Stress

    Feeling stressed is a totally normal, albeit annoying, part of the holiday season. You’ve got in-laws on the way, last-minute shopping to do, dinner obligations every other day. Aside from stress being bad for our health in general, it also leads many to overeat to satisfy emotional needs rather than physical hunger. Take a bath, drink a cup of herbal tea, meditate, or even take a night off from “holiday” activities to slow down and recharge.

    4. Exercise

    While you may think you’ll want to refuel with a ton of food after a gym session, studies show exercise can prevent overeating, especially after mental work (like the work that goes into planning holiday festivities or creating a gift list for your family members).

    5. Buddy-Up

    Whether it’s a spouse, a sibling, a friend, a parent, it’s always easier to exercise and eat healthier if you have someone on board with you.

    6. Eat Before The Party

    If you’re hungry, it’s a lot easier to not only overindulge but to eat the foods that make you feel the worst. Ever gone grocery shopping before eating? It probably didn’t go so well. The same thing goes for attending a holiday party on an empty stomach when you’re trying to limit unhealthy foods. The best thing to do: fill up on healthy foods before you go to a party. And choose plant-based foods with fiber! It keeps you full longer and is great for digestion.

    7. Stand Away From The Buffet

    This one is equal parts science and common sense. One of the best ways to stop unhealthy snacking is to keep the unhealthy snacks hidden. Out of sight (or reach), out of mind, right? Instead, find a good conversation away from the food table so you’re not tempted to mindlessly snack.

    8. Bring Your Own Healthy Plant-Based Holiday Recipe

    Be in control of the situation and host your own event if you’re up for it. Whether you’re hosting or attending a potluck, you can bring 1 or 2 healthy plant-based holiday recipes that scratch the comfort food itch while avoiding weight gain. This way you’ve got something to munch on and you’re not ruffling any feathers by not eating.

    About MamaSezz
    MamaSezz is a plant-based meal preparation & delivery service. 100% of the meals are gluten-free and oil-free. Also, there are no added sugars or preservatives. MamaSezz is founded by Lisa Lorimer, the former longtime CEO and President of Vermont Bread Company (one of the first all-natural and organic bread wholesale bakeries) and Meg Donahue who has a Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate from the T. Colin Campbell Nutrition Studies Center at Cornell and a Masters in Technology Management from Marlboro Graduate School.

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    8 Ways How To Avoid …

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 11 min