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    Brian Can’t Stop Eating

    Brian Can’t Stop Eating

    A lot of us love food, but Brian Lindo found a passion for it growing up in a Jamaican household full of tasty Caribbean dishes.

    Born and raised in Long Island NY, Brian studied finance at Boston College and now lives in Manhattan, NY. He seeks delicious food and monumental experiences working as a financial analyst by day and food influencer by night.

    We got a few confessions out this foodie about his experiences with some amazing dishes.

    What are your cooking inspirations?

    My cooking inspirations are definitely restaurants in NYC! Whenever I try a cuisine or dish I like, instantly jump on google to find the foundation of the dish and then tries to replicate with my own spin on it!

    What would be your dream destination to grab a bite to eat?

    Thailand! Everyone who has had authentic Taiwanese cuisine says the restaurants in the states don’t come close. Definitely, would love to see what all the hype is about. Jamaican food will always be my favorite though.

    What’s your biggest failure ever in the kitchen?

    My biggest failure in the kitchen was the first time he tried to make chicken alfredo in his small NYC apartment. While maneuvering in close quarters with the fresh bowl of pasta to share, he bumped into his roommate and shattered the bowl on the ground. Let’s just say they got takeout after that.

    The Fox Magazine is all about inspiration, what/who inspires you the most?

    My biggest inspiration is spontaneity day to day. I believe life is more fun when you can break out from your comfort zone and dabble into a life of uncertainty. From sparking up a conversation with a stranger to trying an exotic dish I can barely pronounce, breaking free from routine and trying something new is great for personal growth and excitement. 

    Brian’s main experience with branding has been learning how to grow his Instagram page. It is extremely important to have a consistent tone, style, and feel to your page. Once you develop that, your followers will have something to hold onto and give them a reason to come back!

    Personal/Favorite Quote

    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

    Follow Brian’s Journey!

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    Brian Can’t St…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 5 min