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    Introducing Mavel De La Rosa In Her Debut: Déjame Quererte

    Introducing Mavel De La Rosa In Her Debut: Déjame Quererte

    Mavel de la Rosa presents her first musical debut.

    Mavel de la Rosa, writer-composer based in Barcelona, ​​born in the Dominican Republic, releases a new single “Déjame Quererte” on all digital platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, Tidal.

    It is a pop song whose theme is to let ourselves be loved despite the adversities that we are going through lately that lead to social exclusion and the increase in cases of mental illness. “When we have a bad time we tend to stick with it and it is harder to see reality. Let me love you invites you to ask for help and let yourself go, love .”

    “Déjame Quererte” can already be saved previously in Spotify so the day the song is published, it will be automatically added to your Spotify library to appear in your personalized Spotify playlists.

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    Introducing Mavel De…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 2 min