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    Raveen’s New Track, ‘At My Best’, Is A Juxtaposition Between Caution & Excitement

    Raveen’s New Track, ‘At My Best’, Is A Juxtaposition Between Caution & Excitement

    There’s a cautiousness that comes with stepping out of a years’ long mental fog. 

    You somehow wobble and hesitate while jumping straight into falling in love again. 

    At times like this, happiness can feel like putting on a new pair of shoes you haven’t quite broken in just yet.

    Our new single, At My Best,” strikes a balance between hopeful, newfound joy and anxious skepticism.

    Austin Tufts of Braids produced this track at his studio in Montreal’s Mile End. Raveen recorded everything there besides the string quartet, from the vintage Moog, to the vocals, to the big drum sound you hear. 

    The immediacy of falling in love while trying to retain a strong sense of self is something that many, especially more cynical-minded, depressive people, can relate to. Listen to the juxtaposition between caution and excitement in the song.

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    Raveen’s New T…

    by Lisa Khiev Time to read this article: 2 min