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    Here’s What To Pack In An Overnight Bag

    Here’s What To Pack In An Overnight Bag

    There may be occasions where you need to go away for a singular night, whether for work, a little getaway, in case of a breakdown, or even to help with a family emergency.

    Having an overnight bag prepped in case of this, kept in the trunk of your car, can really help to take some of the pressure off of your stay, especially if it is unexpected.

    Other than a spare pair of clothes, you might be wondering what essentials should be kept in an overnight bag at all times.

    Glasses or Contact Lenses

    When you suffer from astigmatism signs and symptoms or need aid with your vision, your optician may have prescribed you some special glasses or lenses that help you to see correctly. Keeping a spare set in your overnight bag means that, should you be caught away from home, you will still be able to maintain your eyecare. Having a spare pair in your car anyway can be great in case you lose or damage your existing pair of glasses or set of lenses.

    You will need to be mindful that, should your prescription drastically change, you should also update the set that you keep in your car.

    Hygiene Supplies

    Alongside looking after your eyes, you will also want to look after your general hygiene. While you may not be overly dirty with a singular night away from home, it can be nice to be able to take a shower, brush your teeth, and remove any makeup if you were wearing any. Keeping a spare toothbrush, toothpaste, and cleaning supplies to hand can help you here. Not only will you feel better knowing you are not covered in the previous day’s grime, but it can also help you to continue looking presentable.

    You can normally find little bottles of travel shampoo, body wash, and even toothpaste in most supermarkets, allowing you to keep your supplies minimal.

    Spare Medication

    Having a mild health condition shouldn’t need to stop you from staying away from home overnight. If you made a split-second decision to stay away, this might mean that you don’t have certain medications to hand. When you factor in that some can be time-sensitive, it becomes apparent how important these may be to your overall health. Keeping a spare pack of medication within your overnight bag can overcome this. When storing medication, it is important that you keep an eye on any expiration dates, as this may lead to the medication being out of date should you need to use them. Replace any expired medication frequently to avoid this occurring.

    While you might not ever need to use this overnight bag, keeping it in your car can help you feel more at ease, particularly when you are a long way from home. In addition to this, it means that you will be more able to take a last-minute weekend away, if you so choose, with no packing required.

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    Here’s What To…

    by Kenzie Shultz Time to read this article: 7 min