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    6 New Year’s Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Practice

    6 New Year’s Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Practice

    Setting New Year’s resolutions is a popular thing that individuals do, but it’s also something that entrepreneurs should do each year.

    Setting new goals each year will keep the business growing and the entrepreneur behind it. While there are a lot of goals and resolutions that could be set, not all of them are created equal. There are a few that every entrepreneur should consider so it helps to further their mindset and their business.

    “People who set goals and share them with others or write them down often achieve them,” says Dan O’Toole, founder, and chief executive officer of Dronedek. “There’s no harm or risk in setting the goals and seeing where they may take you and your business this year.”

    According to the dictionary, a resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something; it is the quality of being determined or resolute. The first step in setting resolutions is to make the firm decision that there are things that will be done or not done in the coming year and then to do what it takes to see it through. We often lose sight of our resolutions a month or two into the new year. It’s vital to re-evaluate them each month to see if we are still giving them the attention they need to be achieved, and then make adjustments wherever necessary.

    Here Are 6 New Year’s Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Practice

    1. Forgive yourself. People often don’t move forward because they are too focused on looking back, especially on mistakes they may have made. Forgive yourself for errors or mishaps, focus on the here and now, and look ahead.
    2. Manage emotions. Far too often, entrepreneurs allow emotions to get in the way of their goals. Make this the year that you get control of the feelings, not allowing them to slow you down. For example, if you have anger or anxiety issues, do a daily meditation practice, which will help resolve them over time.
    3. Choose influences. Look around at the company you keep because they will greatly influence you and your company. If positive, successful people do not surround you, now is the time to make changes.
    4. Don’t wait. Stop putting everything off, assuming that time is something you will forever have. It’s not. Our time is limited, so do the things you want to do sooner rather than putting them off for later.
    5. Forget perfection. Entrepreneurs are usually waiting for everything to be perfect. They want the perfect time, conditions, circumstances, etc. There is no such thing as perfect, so stop waiting for that to happen. Accept the beauty and reality of imperfection and roll with it.
    6. Stay excited. At first, entrepreneurs are eager, but it tends to wane. Being excited keeps you on your toes and ready for the next adventure. Remember what Henry Ford once said: “Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait, the grip of your hand, and the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.”

    “As an entrepreneur, I’m looking forward to what the new year will bring,” adds O’Toole. “I’m excited about Dronedek’s future and the changing industry. We have a lot to look forward to.”

    Dubbed the “mailbox of the future,” the device will help people send and receive packages securely and safely and provide privacy. Dronedek has raised $7.1 million, helping to bring the receptacles to market and launching pilot programs. The company has also recently announced several new partnerships across its MaaS (Mailbox as a Service) ecosystem, including drone provider HUSH Aerospace and network provider Helium.

    About Dronedek

    Dronedek is one of the first companies in the world to focus on package security for traditional and autonomous delivery methods. The device will keep packages hot or cold, alert users to package arrivals or pickups, recharges drones and other electrical devices, and in times of need, can even serve as an alert to emergency response services. An app controls everything from when the device is opened for delivery and retrieval to its emergency alarm features. Dronedek is a company offering a new way of sending and receiving packages of up to five pounds each and is destined to become an everyday utility service alongside internet, power, and water. The device provides a safe, secure method of delivery that keeps the items in a patented receptacle. The receptacle offers complete protection from the weather and would-be thieves. Dan O’Toole, a patent holder and serial entrepreneur, founded the company. The company is based in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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    6 New Year’s Resol…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 10 min