If you’re someone who likes helping others, one career option you should consider is becoming a life coach.
While life coaches were originally considered little more than frauds, today, people are starting to understand the valuable services they provide, and the career is becoming significantly more mainstream. However, for those hoping to enter the profession, the first question you may find yourself asking is what exactly are you supposed to do? How do you become a life coach?
What are the steps you should take to become qualified and reputable? If you need answers to these questions, you’re in the right place. Here are some helpful guidelines to keep in mind as you take your first steps to becoming a life coach.
Find Your Space
“Life coach” is a relatively broad term – there are a number of ways in which you can help another person, and before you can become one, it’s important to determine how you’ll be most effective. This means deciding what type of life coach you want to be and how you can aid people best. That said, keep in mind that no matter what niche you choose, there’ll likely be overlap.
After all, you can’t talk about a person’s job as a career coach without mentioning other aspects of their life, such as their families, and you can’t help a person with their interpersonal relationships as a conflict resolution coach without touching on their romantic relationship. However, once you find a specialty, you’ll be able to narrow down a number of other things related to your business, including how to get certified and how to market yourself.
Get Certified
Getting certified isn’t a requirement for becoming a life coach, but it’s always a good idea if you want potential clients to take you seriously. While you can’t talk to your first few clients about your success stories with other people, a certificate serves as proof that you know what you’re doing. Additionally, many of your competitors will be certified as well, so if you want to build your service up to becoming the best option in the business, you’ll need to start by being able to compete with them at the same level.
There are a number of Transformational Coaching courses out there that will give you certification for your services and will also help you refine them if need be. Additionally, you can also take niche-specific courses – for example, if you’re a health-centric life coach, you might consider getting certified in nutrition.
Set Up Your Business
Now that you’re ready to get going, it’s time to set up and register your business. You’ll need to decide what type of business entity you’re creating. Most life coaches are sole proprietors, which means you won’t have to register your business with the government.
However, if you decide on another structure, you’ll have to register your business with your state. You’ll also need to have a business plan ready which includes a way to address startup costs, such as paying for your certification, workspace, and insurance, and a marketing plan that will help you attract clients.
If you’ve never run your own business, starting a new venture can seem intimidating and challenging.
You can also consider taking a business course along with the certification course you’ll be taking – this will help you better understand what steps you’ll need to take to build a successful business. Remember, being a successful life coach doesn’t mean that you’re a successful businessperson. Ideally, you want to do both – and a business course can help you get started on that path.
Decide on a Structure
Life coaches work with their clients in numerous different ways. Some work with people from session to session, while others offer 5 or 10-session packages at a minimum. Still, others start with longer packages, such as three- or five-month packages, so that they can help their clients implement meaningful change.
Even single sessions vary in many ways, such as length. Some people may offer 30-minute sessions, while others have sessions that are 90- or 120-minutes long. Before you advertise your services, you’ll need to decide how these services are structured – how long your sessions will be, and what (if any) your session minimum will be for clients. You’ll also have to decide on pricing for your sessions and packages.
Once you’ve finished planning, the next step is marketing and advertising to attract clients. You can do this through social media and other advertising channels or word of mouth if you have friends and family you’ve helped. Getting the first few clients outside your circle may prove challenging, but once people are able to attest to your skills, you’ll find that your time is more in demand than it ever has been!