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    Millennials Turn To Side Hustles To Make Ends Meet

    Millennials Turn To Side Hustles To Make Ends Meet

    Despite growing fears of the U.S. entering a recession, America’s entrepreneurial renaissance isn’t slowing down anytime soon — especially when it comes to millennials!

    According to a new national survey, in addition to being the generation that is most likely to have a side hustle (66%), millennials are also the most likely to say that their financial situation makes it difficult to pay for necessities (41%). In comparison, baby boomers came in at 40% and 13% in those two respective categories.


    The study, conducted by One Poll on behalf of Herbalife, surveyed 2,000 Americans and 6,500 international respondents from 9 different countries. It examined numerous factors, including the motivations behind starting a side hustle, the most popular side hustles, the time Americans dedicate to these new ventures, and the impact finances can have on their mental health.

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    Millennials Turn To …

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 2 min