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    The Most Confusing And Misused Emoji Will Melt Your Brain

    The Most Confusing And Misused Emoji Will Melt Your Brain

    Ever wonder what kids are really saying with all those emojis ???????????? ? Yeah, us too.

    That’s why Preply set out to decipher America’s most confusing emojis. After surveying over 1,000 Americans we found almost everyone is a little confused by at least one of them.

    Key Findings:

    • The emoji titled, “Dizzy,” is The Most Rebelled Against Emoji. Only 7% of respondents said they use that emoji as intended.
    • A majority (78%) have been confused by someone else’s use of an emoji.
    • While friends (41%) top the list of people who use emojis in confusing ways, 1 in 3 people report that their parents are likely to send a baffling emoji.
    • The top 3 confusing emojis are ???????? and ????

    Take a look at the full survey here.

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    The Most Confusing A…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 2 min