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    30-Day Vegan Challenge For A Happier And Healthier You

    30-Day Vegan Challenge For A Happier And Healthier You

    The secret to building successful healthy habits is commitment and consistency.

    Vegan food is more popular than ever and now’s the time to give it a try. Let author and vegan chef Lisa Montgomery inspire you with her latest book Vegan Challenge. That’s what makes Vegan Challenge a great and easy way to adopt a healthy vegan lifestyle—all in just 30 days!

    The Vegan Challenge program is designed to help guide you, day by day, towards a healthier way of life through small, gradual lifestyle changes that anyone can make! Whether you’re looking for a new way to eat healthy or you’ve always been interested in veganism but didn’t know where to start, take the guesswork out of your vegan experience with the Vegan Challenge 30-day planner, complete with daily recipes, helpful hints, and words of inspiration.

    Guided by health coach Lisa Montgomery, the 30-day challenge will help you prepare a wide variety of nutritious vegan recipes, design a completely new diet plan centered around health-supporting vegan dishes, stay motivated and engaged using the Vegan Challenge journal pages, and live dynamically with the help of a more vegan diet.

    Lisa Montgomery, an author of numerous books including Raw Garden, Liquid Raw, Liquid Health, Raw Challenge, and Complete Book of Raw Foods Volume 2, is a certified permaculturist and a Health Care Coach, certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Lisa graduated from the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute as an associate/chef instructor and has received a Raw Chef Mastery certification from Quintessence in New York, NY.

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    30-Day Vegan Challen…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 3 min