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    How To Keep Food From Spoiling For Long Periods Of Time

    How To Keep Food From Spoiling For Long Periods Of Time

    Food safety and the freshness of the products we consume are the most important things for good health.

    In addition to causing serious illness, you also don’t want to waste food while other people are on the edge of starvation. Therefore, we need to make certain adjustments to our food buying, storing, and consumption habits because they could make a significant difference, and here is how we can achieve them.

    1. Find the Right Temperature

    One of the basic things to do when you want to keep your food from spoiling is to find the real temperature of your devices. For that, setting the right temperature is crucial when you do it in the right order to make food nutritious and safe. For instance, dehydrating your food doubles the amount of antioxidants in the food, and all the vitamins and minerals are saved. Also, the dehydrator slowly bakes the food and removes the water, so when you find the appropriate temperature, your food can be preserved for a long period of time.

    2. Know How To Refrigerate

    To keep the food safe for some time, you need to know that refrigerators are designed so that every type of food has its place. For example, the door of it is one of the warmest parts, so you can keep your spices there. Moreover, the upper shelf is the coldest, so put your dairy products there because they are easily perishable.

    Keep eggs in their cartons, while meat should be kept on the bottom shelf where it’s suitably cold. Take care that your fridge isn’t overly full and that all the food is spaced, because the temperature remains consistent, and that you know all the groceries you have so that you can use them on time.

    3. Keep Dry Food in Containers

    Dry foods like rice, pasta, nuts, and various cereals should be kept in airtight containers because they keep insects and dirt out. Also, keep your dry food away from water, for it can be spoiled if it gets in touch with it. Furthermore, to keep your herbs fresher longer, you can freeze them in an ice cube tray with some olive oil. That way, they keep their freshness and smell, while you just melt the cube and add it to your favorite meal.

    4. Learn How To Store Food

    Many people think that the best way to keep cheese fresh is to wrap it in foil or put it in a plastic box. Still, it’s important what you wrap your cheese in because it can make a difference—use porous paper, similar to baking paper. Also, learn how to store your fruits and vegetables; don’t put bananas with other fruits because they spoil easily. Additionally, potatoes and onions should be kept in darker places, but you should avoid storing them together; they spoil faster.

    5. Keep Berries With Vinegar

    All your favorite berries should be washed in one part vinegar and three parts water before you put them in the fridge. This will remove any bacteria that are on the fruit, and they won’t develop further while in the fridge. If you’re an avocado lover, let them ripen outside the fridge, and if they seem right to be eaten, put them in the fridge to preserve them. If you have half of the avocado left, brush it with a bit of lemon, and it won’t go brown. Simple and secure way of preserving it. This food helps to detoxify your body, so consume it as often as you can.

    There are numerous other tips on how you can keep your food fresh for a long time, but these are the essential ones. Remember to buy the food that you really eat, make a proper order in your fridge and shelves, and try not to waste anything. When you learn how to keep food properly, you’ll eat better and spend less money on it.

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    How To Keep Food Fro…

    by Anthony Johnson Time to read this article: 9 min