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    Mikoh Releases New Single: La La Land

    Mikoh Releases New Single: La La Land

    La La Land was written with the intention of commenting on how what we see on social media affects us in ways we might not understand.

    “I wanted to talk about the online culture that persuades some to feel like they are unworthy — the perception of an online presence. This song is also a commentary on the fast life of partying and surrounding yourself with people that are only around for clout.”

    “I self-produced ‘La la Land,’ the first song I’ve recorded myself due to the pandemic. I was able to learn new skills working with my engineer Anthony remotely. The beat embraces the mental place you’d find yourself in glorifying the lifestyle of partying and going to the club. This track was written during a time where I realized that releasing music and being a part of that cycle as a part of the job would mean that I’d need to take on some responsibility to protect an impressionable audience and be conscious of my output. I hope ‘La la Land’ highlights that false perception that social media can give, which often gives a misconstrued idea of what life is really about. Thank you for listening.”

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    Mikoh Releases New S…

    by Michelle Johnson Time to read this article: 3 min