It's crucial to note that different horses exhibit varied tolerance levels to heat, so knowing your horse's normal behavior and monitoring changes is vital.
For the pet parent, there’s nothing quite like seeing your pup’s tail wag with delight every time you give them a treat.
At Trupanion, a leader in medical insurance for pets, they found that pet parents love of Star Wars often intersects with the love of their furry companions.
Wildlife photography is very challenging, but the challenge is what draws people to it.
Photography has been around for more than a century and our topics will never cease.
Our pets give us their unconditional love and care all the time, and we need to give them the best of our care and attention.
Dogs, especially service dogs are among the most understanding and compassionate animals we have today.
In 1975, the Peruvian Eco-Pioneer José Koechlin von Stein bought land in Puerto Maldonado. He set out with an axe to clear the space for his first Inkaterra Hotel, the
Over the years, deforestation has been a menace to the entire global community.
As a leader in medical insurance for cats & dogs, Trupanion is celebrating 20 years since it insured its first pet by revealing 20 unique pet names that are truly awesome.
This page will hope to tell you a few tips to keep your carpet in pristine condition and how to act when dirt does manage to get on your carpet.
As the DOME OF HEAT grips vast portions of the U.S. this week, Trupanion – a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs, wants to remind responsible pet owners just how quickly the
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, travelers can help protect their favorite destinations by booking a life-changing trip with Natural Habitat Adventures. Travel can be an incredible force for positive change,