In February, Planet Classroom Network Channel on YouTube showcases videos by youth from digitally hard-to-reach places.
In a new series of video productions, CMRubinWorld showcases the world’s students addressing the global challenges and recommending solutions for change. Produced by CMRubinWorld under its Planet Classroom brand, Problem
In a new interview with CMRubinWorld, OPDC’s School to Career Program Director discusses how soft skills education ensures their graduates are ready for the workforce.
National award-winning educator, Kris Hupp, the current Director of Technology & Instructional Innovation at the Cornell School District believes students need the knowledge and skills to create original content in
Agnes Gund’s organization, Studio in a School, has found new ways to provide and enhance art education for young learners. Creativity, curiosity and critical thinking skills go hand in hand
When it comes to youth finding employment, who you know matters more than ever. In a new interview with C.M.Rubin, Founder of CMRubinWorld, Author Julia Freeland Fisher, Director of Education
In a world where creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration have become critical to flourish, there has never been a more important time for innovative art education.