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    Everykey: The Only Key You Need

    Everykey: The Only Key You Need

    Unlock everything from cars to laptops – no more passwords, no more keys.

    When Everykey is close to your phone, laptop, tablet, house door, car door, or another access-controlled device, it unlocks that device. When you walk away, that device locks back down. Everykey can also log you into your website accounts. If you lose your Everykey, you can remotely freeze it, so no one else can use it.

    Here are a few key aspects to note about Everykey:

    Device Unlocking

    When you’re close to one of your devices, you can access it without a password. When you walk away, your device locks back down.

    Website Login

    Everykey manages a password keychain, which can be used to seamlessly log you into your website accounts when you’re around.

    Password Generation

    Everykey can generate a secure and random password for you the first time you sign up for a website account.

    Everykey has a variety of safety features that work together to keep your information safe. Everykey utilizes AES 128-bit encryption and has remote freezing capabilities which prevent others from using your Everykey in the event that it is lost or stolen.

    Each time Everykey broadcasts an encrypted Bluetooth 4.0 message, the message contents are changed, preventing a hacker from spoofing your Everykey. Device passwords are never stored on an Everykey server or product. All of these features together make Everykey secure and safer than what you use today.

    Everykey’s Software Development Kit allows for third-party developers to create new applications for Everykey. This means that everything from a car to a lightbulb can add Everykey compatibility as long as it’s Bluetooth Low Energy enabled.

    1 Comment

    • Denis
      December 30, 2022

      It looks like an interesting project, although as I understand it, if you lose such a key, then you will need a professional locksmith like on the site and the volume of his work will be very large, from a car to your house?

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    Everykey: The Only K…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 4 min