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    Why You Should Ditch The Usual Vacation Spots For An African Safari

    Why You Should Ditch The Usual Vacation Spots For An African Safari

    Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to look forward and plan your next getaway!

    However, if you are like most people, you haven’t planned anything yet, you have no clue where to go, and you secretly hope that a friend will come up with a plan.  So what will it be this year: sunbathing by the seaside, enjoying mountains landscapes, or a city break? Why not do something totally different? Why couldn’t we follow our dreams and go to some magical and mystical place: Africa.

    We have all seen the documentaries about Africa: the incredible landscapes, the wildlife, and the cultural diversity, and secretly dreamt of visiting it. Nonetheless, like is always the case, Africa is far away from home, and there is so many reasons why most people keep on postponing their safari. 

    In this article, we will demystify some of the common misconceptions that keep most people from going to Africa. We will also share more reasons why you should pack your bags for an African safari adventure. 

    1. Africa Is Far Away

    Indeed, it is, but that is also why Africa is so different and interesting. Besides, things have changed, and now we have direct flights from nearly anywhere in the world to the continent. 

    For example, you can now fly directly from the US into Kenya, the home of Rees Odhiambo, from the NFL wagering outsiders Arizona Cardinals, but also home of Masai Mara. The Kenyan site was voted Africa’s leading national park for 3 years in a row. 

    There are also direct flights to most other African Safari countries like Tanzania – home to the Serengeti National Park and Kilimanjaro; South Africa – famous for its award-winning Kruger National Park, Zimbabwe, and other countries. Also, the infrastructures have dramatically improved in Africa. For instance, you will be able to access a strong Wi-Fi connection in most safari nations, allowing you to keep in touch with your friends, family, and employees back at home. 

    2. Africa Is Dangerous

    Unfortunately, some places in Africa are insecure and not recommended for tourism. But isn’t insecurity a global issue? Isn’t there a neighborhood in your area where you wouldn’t like to walk at night? Does it mean that your city is not safe? 

    It is the same in Africa! Some countries are safe; others are not. Do not go to conflict areas. Stay in safe places, hire local tour operators when you want to go in the wild, and your safari will be adventurous but safe. 

    3. Safaris Are Expensive

    Well, safaris can be expensive if you stay in 5-star lodges with swimming pools, Jacuzzis, fine dining, and hire a private 4WD Land Cruise. Still, it can also be really cheap if you go on a walking safari, sleeping under the stars with a group of like-minded people and guarded by rangers. Visit for more travel guide.

    Budget African safaris start from as low as $200 per person per day, and a luxury safari can set you back as much as $2000 per day. Just like anywhere else, your African safari budget will be proportional to the level of comfort and services you want.

    Now that we saw that there are no real motives not to treat ourselves to a wonderful safari in Africa, let’s think of a non-exhaustive list of good reasons to go there.

    1. Incredible Wildlife

    Without a doubt, this is the main reason you should pack your bags for an African safari. There is no other place on Earth where you can see so many animals in the wild, roaming freely, living their life than in Africa. 

    Whether you want to see the BIG 5 (Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo), marvel at the herds of zebra and wildebeest, or laugh with the adorable Meerkats, Africa has something for every adventure seeker

    2. Unique Landscape

    We all saw them on TV, and while watching those documentaries, we were dreaming that maybe one day we would be there. 

    The mighty snowcapped Kilimanjaro towering above the savanna, the incredible meanders of the Okavango delta, the abrupt ridges of the Ngorongoro crater, the sandy dunes of the Kalahari Desert, the jagged skyline of the Drakensberg range, and more. Believe me; they are more impressive when you see them in person than on any pictures you might find on the net! 

    How about the great wildebeest migration? Where more than 1.2 million wildebeests, zebras and different species of antelope cross from Masai Mara National Park in Kenya to the Tanzanian Serengeti national park? 

    The adventure that awaits you in Africa is unmatched. 

    3. Wonderful People and Cultures

    This might sound like a cliché, but it is true: people are warmer and friendlier there than back home. They will welcome you, share with you their life experiences, and make you feel like you belong there. 

    Also, you will most likely have a very knowledgeable guide, who will teach you about wildlife, flora, geology, history, or whatever you are interested in.

    It is very likely that you will fly back home having made new friends, local ones. 

    4. African Safaris Are Memorable

    The list could go on for hours: great weather, delicious food, local art and handicraft. There are so many nice things to enjoy while on a safari in Africa. No matter what you are looking for, this is very likely that you will find it and keep memories forever.

    So do not hesitate, think of what you would like to see and do, look for a serious local agency to organize your safari, book your flight, and go to live the adventure of a lifetime! You will not regret it!

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    Why You Should Ditch…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 13 min