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    7 Simple Ways To Make A Statement With What You Wear

    7 Simple Ways To Make A Statement With What You Wear

    Standing out at work, at the bar, and in life is not for everybody. But for those that want to stand out, fashion is one of the best and most effective ways to do so.

    Make a statement through what you weather can immediately get people talking – whether for good or bad reasons – but at least they are paying attention to you, and if they’re paying attention, they will want to hear what you’ve got to say.

    However, too many people believe that making a statement is only possible with the finest threads, but this is not true. There are simpler ways to make a statement no matter what you’re wearing, and here are seven ways to do so.

    Mix and Match

    Sometimes you want to make sure your entire outfit looks right. You don’t want clashing colors that make it look like you got dressed in the dark, so you choose complementary colors that enhance your overall look.

    And, most of the time, this is fine. It’s inoffensive, and it allows you to blend in with everybody else. But, if you want to stand out and make a statement, you need to think bigger. You need to recognize how beneficial it can be to mix up your style, whether with ankle boots, different prints, or any other clothes that you feel could do with more love and attention. The more you have, the bigger your potential, so look for new takes that could make a huge statement.

    Add Some Glamor

    Add a little glamor here and there is all about finding the balance with your outfit. You don’t want to cover yourself in jewels, but you still want to add a little shine here and there to transform your outfit and make a statement.

    Accessories are the most effective way to do this, and you have plenty of ways to do this. Some will choose to accessorize with a watch, whereas others prefer earrings or necklaces that add the finishing touches to an outfit that others would be far too bland.

    Choosing the right accessories can make or break your statement, so think carefully about what you want to say, and which accessories make that clear to everyone around you.

    Be Unique

    It can be impossible to make the statement you want to make if you look the same as everybody else. This is the problem with the fast fashion trends that have engulfed wardrobes over the past few years. The clothes are cheap, so everyone buys the same thing, and so no one can tell anyone apart.

    With this in mind, it’s always best to be unique. Shopping at vintage stores or even having the know-how to make your own clothes will immediately put you in the spotlight, and this can have exceptional results if you want to make a statement. You can stand out from the crowd by wearing something nobody else owns, and this is guaranteed to get you noticed.

    Buy Clothes That Fit

    Even if you like clothes and fashion, you still might not be crazy about shipping for them. After all, clothes shopping can be stressful and ultimately futile. Many people put so much effort into it that they just buy things for the sake of buying them, and often, these are clothes that don’t look good or don’t fit.

    Some experts believe that fit is the most important aspect of style, and it is crucial for anyone who wants to make a statement. Buying well-fitting clothes proves that you care about how you look, and this translates to how you would take care of other things in life, such as a partner (in your personal life), or important clients and accounts (in a professional sense).

    Don’t Forget Your Hair and Makeup

    Your clothes are not the only things you need to think about if you want to get noticed and make a statement. Your hair and makeup is also a crucial factor in demonstrating who you are and what you want to say. Everyone says that your shoes are the first thing people notice, and while they might be correct, most managers, coworkers, or clients won’t spend the whole day staring at your feet. They will want to make eye contact when speaking face-to-face, so make sure you look the part and impress, even if you’re working from home and are only doing video calls.

    The right makeup and hairstyle can do wonders for your overall appearance. Be bold, be creative, and show off your personality through your choices. Women love using the Seint Makeup Palette because it allows them to create various looks and express themselves in a unique way. Whether you prefer bold colors or subtle shades, the Seint Makeup Palette has got you covered, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and make a statement with your look.

    A New Take On the Dress Code

    The office dress code has undergone plenty of evolution over the years. The days of suits, pencil skirts, and sharp, polished shoes have made way for a more business-casual approach at the office. Sometimes, any ideas of formality are entirely abandoned, and it’s not unusual to see t-shirts and jeans populating offices all over.

    How you dress for work will depend on what’s considered acceptable, but you can still revolutionize this by looking at it differently. If you can get away with it, doing something different for your office attire will help you make a statement, and this will put you at the front of the queue when trying to get noticed. As long as you don’t stray too far towards the absurd and inappropriate, you could be onto a winner.

    Be Bold

    Confidence is key for anyone making a statement, and people will know if you are putting on a show or do not believe in the statement you’re making. Whatever you have to say, you need to mean it, as this is the only way to back it up.

    While boldness and confidence can rub some people up the wrong way, it also shows that you’re committed to the cause. It proves that you are not merely blowing hot air, but actually care. Whether this is at work or in your personal life, it pays to be bold, and you can quickly reap the benefits.

    Statement Made

    You don’t need to be ahead of the fashion curve to make a statement, nor do you need to spend your paycheck on the priciest clothes around. Instead, you need confidence and you need to remember the details. With these in your arsenal, you’ll find that you make a statement more often than not.

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    7 Simple Ways To Mak…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 15 min