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    JOFI Releases Iso Anthem For the Lonely, “All My Friends Have Boyfriends”

    JOFI Releases Iso Anthem For the Lonely, “All My Friends Have Boyfriends”

    Isolation has presented us all with quite contrasting emotions.

    Some of us are in a bubble of love with our significant other, some are finishing projects that were started 5 years ago, some of us are enjoying the peace and serenity of the world paused, and then there is the group who are really feeling the pinch of loneliness.

    Sydney-based songstress Jofi’s latest song, “All My Friends Have Boyfriends” is the anthem for the latter.

    Featuring some angelic harmonies and a video that has all one could ever need in life – puppies and wine – “All My Friends Have Boyfriends” is a song to unite all who wish they had someone to cuddle with on their isolation couch.

    Aside from it being a song that will truly be happily spinning around your head for days, “All My Friends Have Boyfriends” serves as a reminder that isolation doesn’t mean the end of creation. The song was written, recorded, and produced entirely by the 22-year-old artist in the music room of her family home. The video came together in the same room, filmed on an iPhone compiling all the things that have contributed to isolation survival, giving us all we really need in a music video… puppies and wine.

    “I propped up my phone against my laptop and filmed some authentic scenes of the things I’ve been doing in isolation- drinking wine, face masks, snacking, learning Tik Tok dances (I know everyone is guilty of this), cutting my own hair, and cuddling my dogs, of course. I recorded these scenes over a few different nights – 3 or 4 different nights. Then put it together on iMovie… and voila.”

    “The song was speedily written and produced by me within just a couple of weeks. With all this time on my hands, making music has kept me sane and has given me purpose. I wrote the song by playing chords on my keyboard at home. I only used my microphone and my laptop in the actual recording process. I wrote, recorded, produced, and mixed the track in the tiny spare room in my family home. As you can hear, vocals are a big part of the production process. I love vocal harmony! I record lots of layers into my microphone,” tells Jofi.

    The cover art of the single is taken by Jofi’s sister on her iPhone and features her sitting in her isolation outfit of choice (pajamas) by the window of her little music room.

    Jofi’s story begins at the age of twelve where her love of singing developed her into a songwriter. A YouTube cover of Jarryd James’ “Do You Remember” gained her quite an audience and she began to let her artistic flare develop throughout her music studies.

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    JOFI Releases Iso An…

    by Lisa Khiev Time to read this article: 6 min