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    Unique Senior Travel Tips For Summer

    Unique Senior Travel Tips For Summer

    Are you planning a summer trip?

    If you’re a senior and getting ready to finalize details for a warm-weather excursion by car, bus, train, or plane, be careful to take advantage of bargains, travel with others, and stay away from hot weather.

    Traveling with a group can add fun and safety to any journey. Likewise, paying for accommodations and other trip-related expenses in advance can save you a bundle.

    Weather is an important consideration for some older adults who shun the extreme heat of summer by heading to cooler destinations. One way to guarantee an exciting and pleasantly cool getaway is to take a cruise or visit a favorite camping spot. Being over 50, 60, or 70 doesn’t mean you have to give up on having memorable vacations. Here are a few helpful suggestions for creating a summertime excursion that won’t soon be forgotten.

    Join a Group

    You can save a lot by joining a travel club or just taking a group tour through your church, neighborhood social club, or online explorers’ group. One of the main benefits of group travel is getting cut-rate prices on hotels, air tickets, meals, and events. This is especially true for seniors who prefer to travel with others for the safety factor. Additionally, you will be with people in your same stage of life and not grouped with people traveling with kids or college-aged who may have different travel goals than yourself.

    Pay Ahead to Save Big

    Want to save big on travel-related expenses? The single best way to do so is to pay for everything in advance. If you need cash to cover the cost, you can use a life settlement to sell a term life insurance policy.

    Contrary to common belief, term policies have a cash sale value. In most cases, however, they do have a dollar value. It’s actually possible to get cash out of just about any kind of life insurance policy via a life settlement transaction, which involves selling your policy to a third party and receiving an amount in excess of the value in return. You won’t get the full death benefit amount, but will receive quick cash and never worry about paying premiums again. Plus, you can use the money for whatever you want, including the cost of a trip.

    Head for Cooler Locations

    There’s no sense in boiling in the discomfort of summer heat. Instead, focus on destinations where temperatures are cooler from June through August. Unless you’re set on a beach trip, consider mountain resorts, Canada’s tourist cities, the Great Northwest U.S., and other escapes from the high mercury of summertime.

    Go Camping

    Camping is an ideal way to get away from it all, reduce stress levels, and take advantage of safe, fun state and national parks. Consider going with a group for safety and the chance to enjoy more social interaction in the outdoors. If you’re not an experienced camper, consider renting an RV and choosing one or two campgrounds where you can hook up and enjoy the safety, excitement, and fresh air.

    Book a Cruise

    Cruises are going for discount rates after nearly two years of almost no revenue for the industry. Shop around online and book well in advance for the best deals. Don’t forget to let booking agents know you are a senior so you can get additional discounts and special offers.

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    Unique Senior Travel…

    by Tanya Shaw Time to read this article: 7 min