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    Should You Use CBD Oil For Massages?

    Should You Use CBD Oil For Massages?

    Promising results have been shown using CBD for the treatment of pain and inflammation.

    CBD or Cannabidiol is paving its way in the medical world as an alternative way of treatment. Muscle pain, inflammation, sleep disorders, anxiety, certain diseases, epilepsy, and even skin and hair solutions are treated by CBD.

    CBD is derived from cannabis hemp plants, which has been made legal across the US, where people tend to use it as inhaled, vaped, smoked, or taken by mouth. The cannabinoid THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the one that gives off a feeling of euphoria or “feeling high”. But only 0.3 percent of THC per dry weight is allowed to be in the mix with CBD derived from hemp plants which are considered safe.

    It has been shown that CBD has helped people suffering from epilepsy by stopping their seizures, and also helps to alleviate the suffering of people who have diseases such as rheumatoid, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, etc. It is still being studied for the treatments of cancer and other severe medical conditions.

    The use of CBD-containing products has skyrocketed and while there are a variety of CBD products, each functions differently. They come in capsules, lotions, creams, and oils that are applied on the skin and some hair products also have CBD. They also come in edible products such as CBD gummies – to help treat insomnia and CBD edible and massage oils help in enhancing mood and treat anxiety and stress.

    These days many different companies use CBD in their products such as SAKS Fifth Avenue are adding it in their beauty products. A lot of massage parlors and spas are also using CBD massage oils to treat joint pains and swelling (good for arthritis patients), backaches, or injuries (people who are into sports mainly), also used simply to loosen up muscles and provide relaxation.

    CBD massage oils can be used by anybody without having to go to the spas. However, if you are suffering from a disease such as arthritis, rheumatic diseases, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms resulting from multiple sclerosis, etc. you can consider going to the spas and get the right treatment. In many parlors, therapists use hot towels to massage the area of pain and inflammation, which relaxes the sore muscles and provides relief to the consumer.

    CBD-containing products and their benefits are escalating among a lot of companies’ beauty products like anti-aging creams, lotions, oils, moisturizers, etc. It is also being used in medical treatments prescribed by doctors which can be in the form of tablets or capsules, edible oil drops with a limit on dosage, and also used for vaping. AirVape is an eco-friendly vaporizer that helps consumers in vaping CBD that comes in different flavors and aromas. 

    These CBD massage oils have helped a lot of patients overcome their diseases and pain as it provides fast recovery and relief.

    How to pick the right massage oil?

    Many products containing CBD haven’t been screened or regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) therefore a lot of products haven’t been assured for their safety or quality. However, there are a few tips that can help you verify the quality and make you feel safe in using it.

    • Choose companies that have proof of doing third-party testing
    • Products should contain no more than 0.3 percent THC and should be free of heavy metals, pesticides, or molds according to their Certificate of Analysis (COA)
    • Look into the organization’s manufacturing process and the approval certificates and licenses for producing it.
    • Check whether the ingredients are certified as organic along with the additional ingredients that may be included which can help with pain relief.
    • Check the company’s brand image and reputation by going through customer reviews.

    CBD Massage Oil UK contains 100 percent organic ingredients and with its aromatic mixture of Lavender, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus, leaves the user feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

    For what type of issues should massage oils be used?

    Massage oils can be used for any type of body aches or pain and even if you do not have an illness, it is great for giving your body a boost and loosen up tight and sore muscles. Also, the aromas put you in a good mood and calm your mind to think clearly.

    It has been reported that CBD massage oil has helped people to find relief from a disease like:

    • Arthritis or rheumatic disease: these patients usually suffer from joint pain, inflammation, swelling, etc. Reports have suggested improvements in easing and providing pain relief to them, specifically of a targeted area. However, it should be noted that ingesting CBD will be more effective than applying it topically.
    • Sportsmen: Athletes or people in sports tend to get hurt now and then. CBD oils can be sprayed on the area of the injury or pain for the fast recovery of the player, so he/she can get back in the game as good as new.
    • Skin health-conscious people: everybody likes to feel good about their skin and love taking care of it. CBD massage oil not only provides relaxation but also makes your skin healthy and supple. It’s one of the reasons why it is being incorporated into beauty products, lotions, face creams, moisturizers, etc. It eradicates acne and helps in fighting skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
    • Body pain: people suffering from regular back, neck, or shoulder aches, or leg pain can use CBD massage oil to relieve and ease their discomfort.

    CBD – containing products are gaining popularity as it shows to heal several medical issues. The most important of them all in this pandemic, are depression, stress, and anxiety issues caused due to the lockdown situation. Ingesting CBD or taking a break and having a massage therapy done by your family member or friends may help ease those issues and work as a mood booster to make you feel refreshed.

    As the demand for CBD products steadily increases, it is important to put your trust in the branded and reputable companies, who can provide you with quality assurance and product safety. Be rest assured, you’ll be healed physically, mentally, and emotionally.

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