FreeVibe’s refreshing music incorporates both his native language and English, amazing listeners across the globe with his bilingual abilities.

Two years after releasing the “+Vibes EP”, followed by a couple of singles, FreeVibe brings us “The High Times EP“- an anthem for the weed lover. FreeVibe, while rapping on the beat to express the hidden feelings and speaking for the voiceless talks about the goodness of the holy weed. From layback Trap feeling vibes to boom-bap rapping, the 4-track EP is destined to be every weed smoker’s favorite.

And it’s not just rap music. Bob Marley influenced FreeVibe at an early age and so, even though the rapper does nothing like the reggae legend genre-wise, the positivity behind the lyrics of his songs seems related to that of Marley. He expresses freedom and love through his music.

FreeVibe has nothing but good music to give his fans in the coming years. He has also made it a part of his plans to release new music every now and then so look forward to another release soon.

We had the chance to speak with FreeVibe about his rise to music, style, and life experiences.

Where is home?

Home is a feeling.. I don’t consider it to be a particular place or a particular city where I stay. Home is where I’m free to do the things I wanna do. Where the vibes is okay for me, there is home.

What was the defining moment you realized you wanted to do music?

After discovering and enjoying some good songs as a kid… After partaking and performing at school reality shows, a lot of people started asking me when am I bringing ma own thing out. This made me brought out some rap vibes, since I was already good at that.

Where did you get the name FreeVibe?

FreeVibe, as the name goes simply means, freeing the vibes. It’s a combination of ma legal name “Freeman” and the nickname I used in high school, “Vibration”. Back then, there were two “Vibration” in the same class at high school: me and the other guy who was a footballer and quite popular than me. This made me rebrand ma name as FreeVibe, which made I stood out as a one of the thousands of students on campus.

The Fox Magazine is all about inspiration, what/who inspires you the most?

Aside the music I do, I love visual arts too. And The Fox Magazine, the captivating photographs they share normally sparks a fire in me to do more and do better.

How much has your style changed since you started doing music?

If you’re a regular listener of ma music, you’ll see ma style hasn’t change through the ages. Since I released ma first song in 2016, all ma focus has been on spreading the positive vibes through ma music.

What’s the best part of being a musician?

If you knew other people would resonate with what you do, won’t you be eager to do more? That’s one thing! And the other is, doing music is a calling. I do music to spread the positive vibes and share with the world the messages I get from ma higher self.

What medium or instrument is your favorite to work with and why?

I don’t play any instrument for now. I’m only a rapper… All I need is a beat and I’m good to preach.

What sets you apart from other artists?

I think everyone has their own calling and mine, as I have gotten to understood for a while now, is spreading the positive vibes through rap music.

As an emerging artist today, what would you say are some of the challenges you face?

We all know the music world is kinda saturated now and it’s somehow difficult to push the positive vibes through all those noises. That’s quite challenging, but I know those who are meant to hear it hear it. And that’s a blessing.

Name a few artists would you love to do a song with and why  –

It’ll be great to do a song with Wiz Khalifa someday, since we’re all about the good weed. Doing a song with Damian Marley or Steven Marley would also be great… You see the positivity I mean?

What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I don’t trust a word from the bible and I don’t base ma life on that.

What’s your best advice for aspiring musicians?

Be yaself.

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