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    Get To Know ARTLANTA: The Multi-Dimensional Artist Proving That Anything Is Possible

    Born in Atlanta, Georgia, both of Art’s parents originated from Nigeria and moved out to America in the 80s.

    Now with more vision than ever, ARTLANTA is making his mark on the art world with his recent art piece of Muhammad Ali selling to Keenan Beasley for over $40,000. 

    We interviewed with ARTLANTA to discuss his journey of becoming a successful artist, his favorite inspirations, and words to live by.

    Where are you from originally?

    Atlanta, Georgia. I grew up dirt poor in the projects of Atlanta. That’s when I touched my first paintbrush and spray paint can. I used to tag trains and buses as a kid. I never went to art school or had art class I just always had the gift in me to paint.

    What was the inspiration for you getting into art?

    My father was a painter but he passed when I was 5.

    How do you prefer receiving feedback?

    I like honest feedback.

    What was one thing you did that exceeded your expectations when you began painting?

    Finished a painting in 20 mins. It was an old painting I did of Pablo Escobar and it definitely helped my workflow to become more efficient.

    Which art piece has been your favorite so far?

    My self-portrait.

    What does success mean to you? What are your rules for success?

    Success to me is being good at doing what you love. My rules are to stay focused & humble.

    I dropped out of high school at 18 years old and moved out to Los Angeles to chase my dreams. The first couple of years living out here was rough. I didn’t know anybody and I was homeless sleeping in cars and motels. Now I’m 25 years old. I sold my first painting at 24 for $200 and just recently sold my latest painting for $48,000.

    Anything is possible, all you have to do is dream big. If I can do it you can too! I am living proof.

    How do you handle comparisons between other artists or paintings?

    I love other people’s outlook on what my art looks like.

    The Fox Magazine is all about inspiration, what/who inspires you the most?

    Basquiat and Andy Warhol. They inspire me because I love the colors Basquiat uses in his paintings, they are vibrant and pop just like my art & Andy Warhol loves to do portraits and that’s something I mastered.

    What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?

    I love to make music also. My music Instagram is @wav3pop and here you can find it all on streaming services.

    What is your favorite or original motto, quote, or words to live by?

    Be different

    Think different

    Live different

    Connect With ARTLANTA!





    Get To Know ARTLANTA: The Multi-Dimensional Artist Proving That Anything Is Possible

    Born in Atlanta, Georgia, both of Art’s parents originated from Nigeria and moved out to America in the 80s.

    Now with more vision than ever, ARTLANTA is making his mark on the art world with his recent art piece of Muhammad Ali selling to Keenan Beasley for over $40,000. 

    We interviewed with ARTLANTA to discuss his journey of becoming a successful artist, his favorite inspirations, and words to live by.

    Where are you from originally?

    Atlanta, Georgia. I grew up dirt poor in the projects of Atlanta. That’s when I touched my first paintbrush and spray paint can. I used to tag trains and buses as a kid. I never went to art school or had art class I just always had the gift in me to paint.

    What was the inspiration for you getting into art?

    My father was a painter but he passed when I was 5.

    How do you prefer receiving feedback?

    I like honest feedback.

    What was one thing you did that exceeded your expectations when you began painting?

    Finished a painting in 20 mins. It was an old painting I did of Pablo Escobar and it definitely helped my workflow to become more efficient.

    Which art piece has been your favorite so far?

    My self-portrait.

    What does success mean to you? What are your rules for success?

    Success to me is being good at doing what you love. My rules are to stay focused & humble.

    I dropped out of high school at 18 years old and moved out to Los Angeles to chase my dreams. The first couple of years living out here was rough. I didn’t know anybody and I was homeless sleeping in cars and motels. Now I’m 25 years old. I sold my first painting at 24 for $200 and just recently sold my latest painting for $48,000.

    Anything is possible, all you have to do is dream big. If I can do it you can too! I am living proof.

    How do you handle comparisons between other artists or paintings?

    I love other people’s outlook on what my art looks like.

    The Fox Magazine is all about inspiration, what/who inspires you the most?

    Basquiat and Andy Warhol. They inspire me because I love the colors Basquiat uses in his paintings, they are vibrant and pop just like my art & Andy Warhol loves to do portraits and that’s something I mastered.

    What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?

    I love to make music also. My music Instagram is @wav3pop and here you can find it all on streaming services.

    What is your favorite or original motto, quote, or words to live by?

    Be different

    Think different

    Live different

    Connect With ARTLANTA!





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    Get To Know ARTLANTA…

    by Lisa Khiev Time to read this article: 6 min