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    US Cities’ Workforces Rank Among Most Competitive Globally For Top Remote Jobs

    US Cities’ Workforces Rank Among Most Competitive Globally For Top Remote Jobs

    A new study shows the growing remote work landscape and identifies which global cities’ residents are best prepared to compete for high-paying and English-speaking remote positions.

    The Local Talent Index compares the quality of the local workforce in six in-demand professions, average local junior and senior salaries, and remote working infrastructure to reveal the cities best placed to take advantage of remote-first opportunities as the employment market moves towards telework.

    Remote work has been on the rise since the advent of the digital age but has accelerated rapidly during the pandemic. With 140% more people working remotely globally than 15 years ago, cities’ and governments’ ability to equip their citizens to compete in a global employment market through regulation, infrastructure, and education will become a key challenge in the employment market of the future. The study aims to shine a light on the cities that are set to become central players in the globalized remote job market.

    To read the full study, click HERE.

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    US Cities’ Workfor…

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 2 min