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    The Best Road Trips To Take In An Electric Vehicle

    The Best Road Trips To Take In An Electric Vehicle

    While there are countless benefits to owning an EV and traveling with it, there are additional issues to consider, such as how likely you are to find available charging spots on your journey.

    With the rise in popularity of electric vehicles, charging networks worldwide are steadily improving, allowing EV drivers to hit the road and explore popular destinations around the globe. But exactly how many times will you need to charge in order to complete the most Instagrammable road trips around the world?

    To determine just that, new research by Compare the Market has compiled a list of the most popular road trips around the world, by analyzing Instagram posts to reveal which of them are the most EV-friendly routes. This was calculated based on EV charger availability and the average number of charges needed to complete each trip.

    According to the findings, the 11 most EV friendly road trips across the globe are as follows:

    1. Amalfi Coast, Italy

    Taking the top spot as the most EV-friendly route is the Amalfi Coast road trip in South Italy. Known for its blue waters and picturesque steep hill cliffs with pretty, pastel houses, it comes as no surprise that #amalficoast has amassed more than three million Instagram posts. The scenic journey which strings together the peninsula’s seaside towns with glamorous beaches is the most EV-friendly route with almost 100 available EV chargers along the way. Travelers who want to take this route will need less than one charge to complete the entire trip.

    2. Big Sur, California

    Coming in second place is the popular strip of California highway on the coast, Big Sur! With almost 1.5 million Instagram posts Big Sur is an iconic piece of the Californian coast with beautiful ocean views along with rocky cliffs, quiet beaches, tons of hikes, and marine life. With 78 chargers along the 87 miles route, Big Sur is an ideal option for EV drivers who want to explore California with their car.

    3. Great Ocean Road, Australia

    Across the pond and in fourth place, is the 147-miles coastal route of Great Ocean Road in Australia known for its dramatic cliffs, windswept beaches, lush rainforests, and the almighty views over the Pacific Ocean. What’s more, the Great Ocean Road is a great option for an EV road trip as it can be completed with less than one full charge, given the high number of EV charger availability across the route. 

    Honorable Mentions

    Lesser-known routes in European countries such as the Transfagarasan route in Romania which appears in third place and the Atlantic Highway in England which completes the top five make for superb alternatives for anyone who’s looking for a sustainable way of traveling. With less than one full charge needed to complete both trips, travelers can enjoy each country’s unique scenery and avoid range anxiety!

    Ruta 40 in Argentina is the least EV-friendly road trip on the list with almost 10 charges needed to complete the route. In fact, Ruta 40 is the longest road trip on the list, stretching over 3,052 miles through the South American country. The other US road trip on the list that spans across eight states is the iconic Route 66. With 89 chargers available across more than two thousand miles, travelers would need to charge their EV almost six times to complete this route.

    Commenting on the research, Stephen Zeller, General Manager of General Insurance at Compare the Market, says: “Since the 1960s, road trips have been a popular way of traveling and exploring near and far in an affordable way. As borders begin to reopen, taking a road trip in the comfort of our car may be preferable to traveling internationally by public transport.

    “Travelling long distance with an electric vehicle can be deemed challenging due to the availability of charging stations and may result in range anxiety. Thanks to improved EV batteries and planning, you can now go further than ever before. Thanks to the trend towards digitizing batteries, enterprise battery intelligence is able to detect the most effective improvements for electric vehicle (EV) batteries, ensuring their reliability in the field.

    Not only that, but it’s better for your wallet and more environmentally friendly. If you’re thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle it’s also important to consider the costs of charging it when weighing up your options as this can vary depending on the energy tariff in your location.”

    To find out more about the research and each road trip, please click HERE.

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    The Best Road Trips …

    by The Editors Of The Fox Magazine Time to read this article: 10 min