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    5 Beneficial Activities To Boost Your Physical & Mental Health

    5 Beneficial Activities To Boost Your Physical & Mental Health

    While many of us are currently stuck at home, people around the world are finding fun and creative ways to beat boredom.

    Many people are looking to entertain themselves with new podcasts and TV shows, by learning a new hobby, or by getting into a regular exercise routine.

    As gyms are currently closed, a lot of us are looking for useful ways for how to stay in good shape at home such as by setting up a home gym and by doing weight workouts.

    Whether you want to get out in the fresh air or try something new, here are just a few activities that you can get involved in that are great for boosting both your physical and mental health. 

    Take part in Couch To 5k

    Are you new to running? Then grab your headphones and your water bottle and head outside! If you’re looking for a useful running plan for beginners then an easy way for you to start is to get running with Couch to 5k. This plan helps you to gradually build your stamina and get you running towards 5k within nine weeks. Whether you are running solo or challenging a friend, it’s easy for everyone to get involved in. Unlike other mobile apps or fitness plans, Couch to 5k is a free and easy way for you to get fitter and healthier.

    Spend some time gardening outside

    If the weather is nice and you have a garden, then why not make the most out of being outdoors? Gardening is good for both your physical and mental health as it keeps you active and moving as well as helping to reduce stress levels. There are so many different things that you can do with your garden too! Starting a vegetable patch, growing your favorite flowers, and potting plants, are just some activities that will keep you busy.

    Practice pilates & yoga

    If you are looking for a more relaxed and low impact workout, then pilates or yoga can be the perfect exercise for you to get involved in this year. There are many Youtube videos and exercise DVDs that can help you improve your flexibility, balance, and posture. Yoga and Pilates poses and stretches can help you relax, unwind, and clear your head – especially when you practice along with calming music to listen to. 

    Take-up roller skating

    Whether you are heading to work or spending some time outside, a healthy and eco-friendly way for you to travel is with roller skates. There are many health benefits of roller skating that can help to improve both your physical and mental health. Roller skating can help you burn calories, improve your mood, improve your balance, and is ideal for stress relief. Skating is beneficial for the whole family to get involved in to help everyone stay active and healthy. You can get your family a pair of roller skates at your local toy store or sports shop. Roller Skate Dad has a ton of useful resources on his site that we recommend you check out if you want to learn more.

    Participate in mindfulness & meditation

    When you run a busy weekly schedule it can be difficult to unwind and relax sometimes. Participating in mindfulness and meditation can help you to clear your mind and spend some time focusing on your mental health. There are some great meditation apps of 2019, such as Headspace and Calm, that can help you to regularly take time for yourself and focus on your mental health and wellbeing. Mindfulness can involve colouring books, breathing exercises, thoughtful reflection, and much more to help you feel better and relieve any stress. 

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